
My tutorials are all copyright compliant and created for those with a working knowledge of PSP. All tutorials are of my own creation and any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidence. I strive to be 100% copyright compliant, so if you see something of yours on my blog that I haven't given credit for, please notify me immediately so I can give credit or take it down. Do not take my tutorials and claim them as your own or place them on another site. Direct people to my blog instead. I hope you enjoy my tutorials!
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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

PTU Tut In The Wild

For this tutorial you will need the following:
Scrap kit: PTU kit Woodland Ball by Kissed by Pix HERE
Tube: tube of choice, I am using the gorgeous art work of Lia
Template: Spoiled by Me HERE
Font Used: Rainforest
Eye Candy 4000 Gradient Glow (Optional)
Filters Unlimited (Optional)
Mask of choice

♥ Let's Get started! ♥

Open template, canvas size 750x750. Delete word art, copyright and the wavy lines.
For the drop shadow on evertying I am using the following settings:
Verticle: 2, Horizontal: 2, Opacity: 71, Blur: 6, color black. (you use what ever you want)
Remember to save as you go.
(*Resize everything before you start copy and pasting)
Paper 1 (resize 70%)
Paper 5 (resize 70%)
Leaf paper 6 (resize 70%)
Bird 3 (resize 30%)
Giraffe (do not resize)
Grass (do not resize)
Heart Tree (Do Not Resize)
Vine (resize 88%) 
Tube (if using the same tube resize 90%)
You can always refer to the sample for placement of anything!
Copy and paste paper 1, Apply your mask.
On large circle change color to white, adjust, add noise, at 74%, uniform and monochrome
checked. Resize circle 90%.
Select smaller circle.  Selections, float, defloat, invert. Copy and paste leaf paper
6.  Hit delete. selctions, select none. Delete grey circle, Don't forget to add your dropshadow as you go.
On the large square, change color to one from your tube, I used a brown/red color. Now you can
leave it as it is and add dropshadow to it, or you can use the filters unlimited plugin to
give it a wood like effect. If you want same effect, follow the next step:
Effect, plugins, filters unlimited, Paper textures, structure paper one, leave settings and
click apply. Add dropshadow.
select the smaller square, selections, float, defloat, invert. copy and paste paper 5, hit
delete, copy and paste grass and adjust in the smaller square, hit delete to remove excess
grass, Selections, select none, delete small grey square.
Copy and paste heart tree, adjust below the grass, using your eraser, and erase the roots.
copy and paste the giraffe, use your pick tool and slightly rotate to the right. Drag it below
the larger circle layer.
Copy and paste the vine, mirror and flip, adjust to the right top corner, under the large
circle.  Duplicate, mirror and flip, move to bottom left corner.
Copy and paste the tube.  Don't forget your dropshadow.
Crop and resize to your liking, I resized to 500.  Make sure DPI is 72.
Add your name. I added a gradient glow to mine on these settings:
Effects, plugins, Eye candy 4000, gradient glow
Glow width 3
Soft corners 25
overall opacity 100
Color white, and slide another tab to the middle.
Add your dropshadow. Add your copyrights for the tube.
Merge visible and save! you're done! Simple and easy. 
I would love to see what you made!
Thank you for following my tutorial!  If you have any questions please email me at



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I am a SAHM of 2 very active kids and a Wife to a wonderful man. I also take care of my grandma who lives with us...so yep I am a busy girl...lol, I started out as a tagger almost 4 yrs ago and then I started making templates and writing tutorials, one day I decided I wanted to try my hand at making scrap kits...and almost 2 years later, I am still making them. I have met a lot of amazing people along the way that have helped and given me support through-out all of this. Big hugs and thanks! Well that is about it, if you want to know more...just shoot me an email!
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Send your results from my tutorials and I'll post them on my blog. I'd love to see what you make! Just send them to me at the link below and I'll get them posted. creativescrapsbycrys@yahoo.com