
My tutorials are all copyright compliant and created for those with a working knowledge of PSP. All tutorials are of my own creation and any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidence. I strive to be 100% copyright compliant, so if you see something of yours on my blog that I haven't given credit for, please notify me immediately so I can give credit or take it down. Do not take my tutorials and claim them as your own or place them on another site. Direct people to my blog instead. I hope you enjoy my tutorials!
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Friday, July 20, 2012

Woo Hoo finally wrote a new tut!

For this tutorial you will need the following:

Scrap kit: PTU kit Toof-less 4 the Tooth Fairy by Sleek N Sassy Designz HERE

Template by Rosey HERE

Font of choice I used MTF Hello Again

Tube: tube of choice, I am using the adorable art work of PinUp Toons HERE
You must have a license to use this tube. I purchased this tube at CILM. He is now 
at CDO

Mask of choice

♥ Let's Get started! ♥
Open template, delete copyright info, word art, and arrows.
For the drop shadow on evertying I am using the following settings:
Verticle: 2, Horizontal: 2, Opacity: 46, Blur: 6, color black. (you use what ever you want)
Remember to save as you go.

(*Resize everything before you start copy and pasting)
Paper 3 (resize 50%)
Paper 4 (resize 81%)
Paper 6 (resize 76%)
Paper 8 (resize 54%)
Paper 9 (resize 54%)
Paper 10 (resize 81%)
Element 3 (resize 10%)
Element 4 (resize 10%)
Element 5 (resize 10%)
Element 9 (resize 50% and mirror)
Element 12 (resize 60%)
Element 13 (resize 42%)
Element 27 (resize 32%)
Element 29 (resize 38%, mirror and free rotate 90 degrees)
Element 31 (resize 28%)
Element 56 (resize 42%)

Tube (if using the same tube duplicate and resize one to 54%)

You can always refer to the sample for placement of anything! 
As you add the papers, delete the template shapes.
Change the white layer to a pink from the kit and add your mask of choice.
Select the bottom layer on the template (large round circle) Selections, select all, float, defloat,
copy and paste paper 10, selections, invert, and hit delete.  Selections, select none.  Remember to
add your dropshadow as you go.
Select the Blue rectangle, Selections, select all, float, defloat, copy and paste paper 4, selections, 
invert, and hit delete.  Selections, select none.
Select the black square, Selections, select all, float, defloat, copy and paste paper 6, selections, 
invert, and hit delete.  Selections, select none.
Select the Pink rectangle, Selections, select all, float, defloat, copy and paste paper 8, selections, 
invert, and hit delete.  Selections, select none. Repeat the steps for the other pink rectangle.
Select the Purple rectangle, Selections, select all, float, defloat, copy and paste paper 9, selections, 
invert, and hit delete.  Selections, select none. Repeat the steps for the other Purple rectangle.
Select the Blue Star, Selections, select all, float, defloat, copy and paste paper 3, selections, 
invert, and hit delete.  Selections, select none. If you forgot, go through and add your dropshadows.
On the white frame layer of the star, Adjust, add noise, Uniform and monochrome checked, on 34%
Selections, float, defloat, modify, and expand by 2.  Add new raster layer and flood fill with a
purple color from the kit. Arrange below the white star frame. 
Now the easy part.  Just copy and paste the elements. Using the sample, arrange elements. Remember
to add your dropshadow as you go.
With the pick tool, adjust any elements if need be.  
Once you have it the way you want it, crop and resize.  I resized mine to 585. 
Now add your copy right and license info and your name. For the name, I used cutout to give it a
lighter purple on the inside. Selections, float, defloat, modify, and expand by 2.  Add new raster
layer and flood fill with white. Selections, select none. Adjust, add noise Uniform and Monochrome
checked on 55%. Drag below name and Add your dropshadow.
Merge visible and you are done!
Simple and easy.  I hope you had fun playing with this kit!  This kit is just so pretty, I had a hard
time choosing what elements I wanted to use...lol.
If you have any questions or want to show off what you made please email me at kissnjoe@yahoo.com!


About Me

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I am a SAHM of 2 very active kids and a Wife to a wonderful man. I also take care of my grandma who lives with us...so yep I am a busy girl...lol, I started out as a tagger almost 4 yrs ago and then I started making templates and writing tutorials, one day I decided I wanted to try my hand at making scrap kits...and almost 2 years later, I am still making them. I have met a lot of amazing people along the way that have helped and given me support through-out all of this. Big hugs and thanks! Well that is about it, if you want to know more...just shoot me an email!
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Send your results from my tutorials and I'll post them on my blog. I'd love to see what you make! Just send them to me at the link below and I'll get them posted. creativescrapsbycrys@yahoo.com